It got together more than 70 specialists
Boluda Corporación Marítima has organised “a work day about manoeuvres of port and port towing” in collaboration with the Maritime captaincy of Cadiz, the corporation of pilots of Cadiz and Algeciras, the Port Autority of the Bay of Cadiz and Voith Turbo Marine Spain.
With a success of call, the work day has got together to more than 70 professionals and students of the faculty of Nautic sciences, in the assembly room of the APBC, where Juan Manuel Gomez, manager of the headquarter of Boluda Towage and Salvage in Cadiz, welcome the assistants and emphasizes that “ the purpose of the personnel o the headquarter of tugboats of Boluda Towage and Salvage in Cadiz with thoses workday is to make public the port community of Cadiz and the ports of our geographic area the concept of towing-manoeuvre and the work of the tugboats of port and its crews from the point of view of the specialists.
The presentations were in charge of Antonio Sanchez, about the figure of the pilot in the port of Cadiz, Luciano Grandal, inspector of the maritime captaincy of Cadiz, who has exposed the role of the maritme inspector, David Peral who explained the work of the pilot in the port of Algeciras and Ricargo Rodriguez, commercial manager of Voith Turbo Marine España, together with Genaro Perez, instructor of manoeuvres, who talked about the work of the private company in the technological development of the propellents and its influence in the manoeuvres.