Francisco Tirado, manager of Human ressources has participated to the round table “balance of challenges of future in the application of the MLC”
Boluda Corporación Marítima has participated to the IInd Tripartite meeting of following of the agreement OIT about maritime work 2006, represented by Francisco Tirado, manager of human ressources of the corporation.
Organised together by the organisation internation of work (OIT) and the ministry of work, the working day has got together important representatives of enterprises, syndicates and administration with the aim of examinating the entry in force of this agreement.
In the table of debate, Francisco Tirado has emphasize the great work done by all the actors implicated. The agreement about the maritime work 2006 is a live project who still need more fitting.
Tirado has put as exemple the law of real decret 357/2015 of the 8th of may who has for object to regulate the proceedings of inspection of vessels and incorporate the directive 2013/54/UE to the Spanish legal system. Respect to this RD he emphasize in its 4th article who gets the delais for the emission of the certificate of maritime work and that the declaration of agreement of maritime work, who should be more flexible, due that he considers that the delay maximum to resolve and notify, preview in 6 months, is too long, “ Those delais are not neither flexible nor competitives for the companies”.
The table was moderate by Adolfo Utor, president of Balearia and ANAVE, Yolanda Acha, representative of the agency manning Ibernor and Santiago Ciriza, representative of the Officers of Merchant marine college.
The working day took place in the Port Autority of Valencia, was inaugurate by Maximo Buch, councelor of economy, industry, tourism and work of the generalitat valenciana and closed by Rafael Aznar, president of the port authority of Valencia and Judith Carreras , councelor of the office of the OIT for Spain.