Fernando Caracciolo and Gorka Carrillo were the representants of the shipping company during the working day.


Fernando Caracciolo, manager of International Lines and Gorka Carrillo, Manager of Economic Control and Administration of  Boluda Lines, shipping division of Boluda Corporación Marítima, have participated to the seminar “Perspectives of Cooperation with Maghreb after the Arab Spring”, that took place in Valencia and organized by the Mediterranean Chamber and the Mediterranean House.

The objective of the meeting has been to know the actual situation of the Maghreb countries after the called “Arab Spring” and the consequences in the commercial relations of the valencians companies in the said countries.

Boluda Corporación Marítima has a huge establishment in this geographical area, where it gives services of port tug, bunker delivery and transport as well as regular maritime lines.

Caracciolo and Carrillo exposed the model of business that the Corporation have designed for those markets and gave advice to the companies who asked for information, as they gathered of a big experience thanks to the long time Boluda Corporación Marítima is developing its activity in the west of Africa.

The working day was open by the president of the Council of the Trade Chambers of the valencian region, José Vicente Morata, the Councilor of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment Maximo Buch and the Delegate of Government in the valencian region, Paula Sanchez de Leon.

Seminario primavera árabe