Boluda Corporación Marítima has a clear vocation for the african continent, where it’s present since more tan 15 years and where it has developped several way of business contributing to the local development. Africa has also be the addressee of one of its solidarity program “Humanitarian Transport”, through which, in collaboration with several ONG’s, has transported for free on board of its vessels material of first need to depressed countries or with humanitarian crisis.
La Fundación Mujeres por África, presided by Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega, focuses its activity in the economic and social development, in the dignity of the persons especially in the girls and women of Africa.
The contribution of the women to the sustainibily of Africa suppose the 90% of the economy, produce the 80% of the food and sustain the 40% of the families. But theses numbers don’t suppose an institutional recognisation and the women still suffer discrimination and abuses.
Mujeres por África Works to dignify the girls and women of Africa, promoting the human rights, peace, justice, education, health and the empowerment of the women.
Boluda Corporación Marítima, with its powerful progamme of Social corporative responsibility is proud to belong to an organization who promote so high values and will collaborated with Mujeres por Africa in its fight to promote and defend the human rights and to abolish any kind of discrimination because that suppose “ an obstacle for peace, sustainable development and the achievement of the objectives of the international community”, regarding one of the principles of United Nations.