Give services since 1839


The office of Santa Cruz de Tenerife of VB Comisarions de Averias ( breakdown pursers), the division of expertise and insurances of Boluda Corporación Marítima, is the second eldest Lloyd’s agency in the world, according to what the prestigious insurance agency has published with the purpose of the second century of the creation of its agencies.

The office of Santa Cruz de Tenerife provides service since 1839 and the office of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is situated between the 40 eldest ones.

VB Comisarios de Averías is also the correspondent of the International Group P&I Club, who gets together the most important clubs, where it can be found in its ensemble more than the 90% of tonnage at world level.

It works also as agent of the CESAM, who includes all the insurer French market, the American Institute of Marine Underwriters and many entities and companies, being a world reference for all the insurers in the Canary Islands.

Its expertise intervention has been spread along all the West Coast of Africa, being official experts for many fleets of fishing and cargo.

Comisarios averías