The boat towed is the Gran Rodosi, similar to Panamax.
The Tugboat VB Recoleta, from the fleet of Boluda Fos Corporación, through its argentine filial Compañia Marítima Austral, S.A, assisted the MV Grand Rodosi, boat similar to Panamax, of 225 meters long and 28 feet of depth of water, with a charge of 40 000 tons of soja destinated to the exportation. The work of the tugboat consisted in assisting the boat for its entrance and way out from Port Diamante, situated in Paraná river, Republic of Argentine. Those port is situated in one tributary of the Paraná river and deserve a manover really careful due to the great currents and distinct movements that exist here.
It’s the first Panamax boat that operates in the port of Entre Rios in the campaign of seeds exportation 2013, and has represented an event of vital importance for the government of this county, that recently with the purpose of being able to admit the traffic of boat of great depth of water, proceeded to dredge the access canal as well as to improve noticeably the port installations.
The VB Recoleta operates in the area of the Port of Santa Fe, Rosario and Entre Rios, and makes works of berth, cast off, assistances and works of pushs of barges of seeds and minerals in the waterway of Paraná/Paraguay, nowadays one of the most important waterway complex in the world.
Recently the tugboat VB Recoleta has been prepared and improved to make well the tasks of pull and push, counting for those purposes with its tow hook in the stern, and in prow a system of blocks of pushing apt for several tipes of barges,that allow it to obtain the autorisation of Prefectura Naval Argentina in order to do this sort of manoeuvres.