With this signature, the transitory division hopes to increase in a 30% its traffics with Asia and carry on with its expansion over the continent.
Boluda Corporación Marítima carries on with its expansion over the Asian continent. Between its last actions it is found the opening of a new trade mission in Hong Kong, through a commercial agreement signed between Boluda Cargo Int’l, transitory international division of the Corporation, and its agents in China. This new delegation is added to the Shanghai’s one, opened at the beginning of 2008.
The objective of Boluda Cargo with this new opening is to continue with its strategy of consolidation in the transitory international market, expanding its presence in the giant of Asia and reinforce the goal and variety of services at the disposal of its customers.
With that purpose, have travelled to Hong Kong Raul Lopez de la Fuente, manager of Boluda Cargo Int’l and Gorka Carrillo, manager of the delegation of Valencia. In words of Lopez de La Fuente, “the opening of this new trade mission respond to the commitment of proximity of Boluda Cargo with its customers, growing continuously the value with bring to its charges”. With this incorporation, Boluda Cargo hopes to increase its traffics with China in a 30% and continue with the expansion of the trademark to other important Asian markets.
The trip of the responsible of Boluda Cargo was completed with visits to customers and suppliers in Hong Kong, Xiamen, Shanghai and Qingdado, where important relations and agreements of collaboration were reached with important Chinese suppliers in raw material as well as with traders of main kind of merchandises (textile, shoes, IT, etc )
Boluda Cargo is specialized in the international transport of merchandise, in the development of project of chartering and special charges as well as customs agency and air transport. Between its main plans for 2009 there’s the consolidation of the firm at a international level as well as national, with a special interest in the Canarias market, the increase of volumes and the reinforcement of the range of current services.