An A310 Airbus of the company Yemenia Airlines has crashed tonight about 2 AM at few kilometres from Grand Comoro. The aircraft, who came from Sanaa, Yemen, transported 153 passengers from whom 55 were French.
The searching was put in action since the alert was given during the night after the loss of contact with the plane and the Comorian authorities have asked immediately the help of France.
Since the announce of the disaster, two French vessels who were close to the area were turned off to participate in the searching. In the morning a plane of the Air Army took off from La Reunion carrying on board 3 doctors, 2 psychologists, 12 scuba divers of Red Cross and 200 kg of material.
On his behalf the prefecture of Mayotte, has displayed means in the area with the with the help of the tugboat Bamboo of Boluda Towage and Salvage, carrying on board 2 nurses, material of assistance, 4 diver gendarmes of the nautical brigade, a scuba diver and a pilot of Zodiac, this embarkation was lifted on board of the tugboat.
The reason of the accident are unknown right now, as the rest of the aircraft and the first corpses have just been recuperated. Theses one will be determinate by the testimony of the witnesses. If they may have, o from the black boxes.
Las razones del accidente no se conocen de momento, puesto que los restos del avión y los primeros cadáveres acaban de ser recuperados. Estas serán determinadas por los testimonios de los testigos, si los hubiera, o de las cajas negras.