Boluda Francia, through its local Company URD ( Union de Remorqueurs de Dakar) has incorporated to its fleet of Dakar (Senegal) the tugboat VB Joal who will give Works of assistance in port. This new tugboat will go with the four who are already giving service in the African port.
the VB Joal is a tugboat ASD of last generation of 32 metres longs, 10,50 large and a power of 4680 HP and a pull in fixed point of 80 tons. The boat is equipped with the equipments against fire FiFi 1, against marine pollution and it incorporates the last technological means.
It’s preview that in a few months a twin tugboat who will reinforce considerably the fleet of the port of Dakar will be incorporated, and convert it by this way in one of the most powerful and versatile of the African continent.