Successful participation of nearly 5,000 people

Boluda Corporación Marítima won the First Prize at the XXVII World Paella Contest organized by Falla J.J. Domine-Av. Port and Grupo Diario, in an edition that shattered the previous record for participation: some 378 paellas were registered and the event saw the participation of 5000 enthusiastic participants from Valencian logistics companies.

The event was launched with a “mascletá” firework display, after which the esplanade of the old port station was filled with the fires lit for the nearly 400 paellas and the sounds of the brass bands and music groups laid on by the organizers.

As is traditional, the jury was composed of the Queen of Valencia’s “Fallas” festivals and her Court of Honour, as well as guests and personalities from the Port of Valencia’s logistics sector.
This fantastic port event also included a commitment to solidarity, and all the registered participants were given the opportunity to make a contribution to Aportem -Puerto Solidario Valencia-. The participants’ total contributions will be doubled by the organizers. Similarly, the amounts collected by the coffee machines operated by Tareca will also be destined entirely to Aportem. A range of sunglasses and “fallas”-themed scarves which were placed on sale in favour of the cause were sold out.

Once again, “Paellas del Puerto” welcomed the start of Valencia’s “Fallas” festivities.