Valencia – The manager of systems of gestion of Boluda Corporación Marítima, Carlos Rodriguez Gallo, has been elected by the General territorial committee by direct election of all the collegiate , Chairman of the Oificial College of Naval and Oceanic Ingineers of the Territorial Delegation of the community of Valencia.
Between his new functions as chairman, there is the representation of the profession in front of the authorities of Valencia, the proposal to the autonomos competent organisms of the adoption of how many measures condisered convenient for the developpement and perfection of the profession, o advise the official organisms and personal entities in subjects of his competence, emiting informs and resolving enquiries “que les sean interesadas por los mismos”.
Carlos Rodríguez, Naval Ingineer by the Politechnic University of Madrid, is part of Boluda Corporación Marítima since 1989. Since then he has done several directive functions, all linked with Quaility, ISM, ISPS and protection of environment, managing the Departement of Systems of gestion since February 2005.