With this one they are already 12 shipments made since 2011.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Boluda Lines, transport division of Boluda Corporación Marítima, has made on board of one of its vessels, a new shipment destinated to the Bank of Food of Arrecife (Lanzarote).
With this new remittance 12 have been done since june 2011, date of which the collaboration started, with a total volume around 200 000 kilos of aliments.
The precedence of those aliments is The European Community through its programme of help for people in neeed, started up in 18 countries. In Spain this programme is channeled through the FEGA-Spanish foundation of Agriculture Garantie.- depending of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environnement, that counts for its distribution with the 52 banks of Food established in all the country.
Boluda Corporación Marítima, inside its politic of Social coorporative Responsability through its program”Humanitarian Transport”, collaborates with ONGs, Red Cross, Unicef and different associations, transporting for free on board of its boats material of first aid to countries of Third World or with Human Crisis.