Organized by the Port Authority of Valencia and the foundation Valenciaport, last 18th of September was celebrated the second working day of Social Responsibility in the Port Community, with the assistance of the responsibles of this area in Boluda Corporación Marítima.
The interest of the organizers had as objective to “improve the application of the social responsibility, value its contribution and take support on it as a way of change that put the person in the center of attention.
During the act, was presented the Project Aportem, that centers in promoting the RSC between the companies of the logistic port area and from which Boluda is founder member, together with Amarradores, Asociación Naviera Valenciana, Ateia, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, Balearia, Fundación Valenciaport, Grupo Diario, Noatum, Propeller Club, Sevasa-Sagep, TCV y Urbamar.
The working day was inaugurated by Rafael Aznar President of APV, counted with the interventions of Emili Villaescusa, President of Confederacion of Cooperativas de la Comunidad Valenciana and member of the Consejo Estatal de RSE-CERSE, Tomas Sercovich, Communication and Institutional relations manager of Forética, Ramon Gomez-Ferrer, General Manager of APV, Santiago Álvarez, General manager of Saggas, Federico Torres, General Services Manager of APV, Rafael Mossi, chief of Industry Services and Environment of The chamber of Trade and Pilar Blaya, manager of RSC of the foundation Valenciaport.