Boluda Lines, shipping division of Boluda Corporación Marítima, has moved its offices in Barcelona to Calle Platón, nº 6-1º-1ª, keeping the same telephones numbers, 93.301.04.05.
Boluda Lines utilizes several commercial lines that connect the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Archipelago, Italy, Occidental Coast of Africa and Green Cap. In land, the delegations spread through the main cities and port, attend to the specific needs of each customer, offering a personalized service, door to door, of each kind of charges, dry as well as frozen.
Boluda Lines counts also with a service of Project Cargo, or transport of special charges, as road merchandise, equipments with overloading, pieces with extra measures, helicopter, vessels, cranes or tubes and also any kind of operation of big volume that needs a special treatment or a complicated logistic.