Recently created, it brings together all the logistic sector of Seville.


Teresa López Ruiz, comercial delegate of  Boluda Lines en Sevilla, has been named Vice President of the Propeller Club in the andalusian city, being the vice president second for José Antonio Gascó, from Miller y Cía. The presidence is for Juan José Fernández de All in Shipping.

The project of the Propeller Club in Seville is the first one in Andalusia and in it, and for it, a work has been made for 3 years till its presentation. Its objective is to create a forum that share all the logistic area of the province, to put together the worries of it and motivate the development of the port of Seville

Boluda Corporación Marítima has in Sevilla a big establishment been present its divisions of Boluda Lines, Boluda Ship Agency & Forwarding, Boluda Tankers, Boluda Towage and Salvage and Boluda Fos Corporación.

Teresa López Boluda Lines