The rescue was carried about rising the boat ran aground with a crane of big dimensions.
The tug Gorgos, from the fleet of Boluda Towage and Salvage, has participate in the rescue of the Ferry MaverickDos, of the company Balearia, ran aground in the islet of Sa Torreta (Formentera), with 27 persons on board without suffering any kind of injury.
The study of the rescue made by the insurance company, told that the only way to retrieve the boat, of 38 meters long and 9 meters large, without environmental damage, was to raise it with a crane of big dimension and place it on a pontoon.
The tug Gorgos transport the big crane, of 35 by 25 meters and 130 tons, placed on the pontoon Sato Asturias, from Alicante to the place of the sinister. The crane needed to be stabilized with balancing poles that allowed raising the boat, then due to the bad weather, since the day after, could not place the damaged boat in a second pontoon to be transported to Denia for its repair.
Boluda Towage and Salvage, has a fleet of offshore and salvage tugs and it’s specialized in this kind of operations and also like the transport of barges, assistance to oil platforms, anchorage and tug of docks, etc.