The businessmen from Valencia were accompanied by the ministers of Industry, José Manuel Soria, Foreign Office, García Margallo, the President of Generalitat Alberto Fabra and the Mayor of Valencia Rita Barberá.


The past 3rd AVE called a meeting with the most important representation of the big regional businessmen during its annual assembly.

After an intense first year, Vicente Boluda emphasizes “the fortress that has obtained the Association”, stressing the weight of its members, who represent 27% of the PIB and 130 000 employees in the Valencian Community.

As objectives, he asked “to beat the discouragement that grows in our society”, “increase the demand tone, in front of the regional administration as well as in front the Central Government”, “Tolerance zero with bad practices” or “to  industrialize again the territory” were, between others, the great cores of the chairman speech.

 During the lunch, the minister Soria transferred to the businessmen that “the recovery will start earlier than later”, stressing the “enormous potential that has generally the economy of Valencia and particularly in Industry and Tourism”

While the assembly Boluda recognize the great work of Fundación Pro-AVE, and of its president Federico Felix, for the “determinant paper” to make real the AVE (High Speed Train) Madrid-Valencia real”, emphasizing that the foundation is still active in the demand of the arrival of the AVE (High Speed Train) to Alicante and Castellon and, especially in the defense of the Mediterranean Corridor.


Asamblea General AVE