The agreement boosted by the UNO, encourages the development of social corporative responsability and the involvement in tasks of voluntaries.


Boluda Corporación Marítima gets involved to the World pact of UNO for the ethical commitment at work, whose signature took place in the cultural center of Bancaja during the day of the ethical commitment of the companies of Valencia, The proposal of the World Pact. The agreement that got support of more than 50 companies and associations from Valencia pursues the ethical volunteering commitment of the entities by 10 principles related with human rights, fight against corruption, work and environmental rules. Besides, this text developed by the UNO boosts the law of corporative citizenship and volunteering law.

The ethic is one of the fundamental tools in the development of business strategies and for that the joining to this commitment supposes an improvement for the administration and transparency in the economical activity. Then, support this initiative supposes a responsibility with the workers and a long time social commitment. In this way the pact pretends to be an instrument that encourages the built of an engaged society. Then this signature supposes for Boluda Corporación Marítima to ratify its social commitment, environmental and about work, basic principles of the company who guarantees the welfare of its workers and stability between the environmental and social needs.

This year it’s the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers of the UNO, and Boluda Corporación Marítima wanted to get involved to this celebration joining this initiative.

Pacto mundial