The delivery will be completed by toys, clothes, and material for babies.
Boluda Corporación Marítima will let the space and the containers needed for the transport of the merchandises in a boat which will leave from the port f Alicant.
The foundation Jorge Alió will give ophthalmologic and health material.
The foundation Seur will coordinate the logistic and the transport of the help.
Boluda Corporación Marítima, the foundation Jorge Alió for the prevention of the blindness and the foundation SEUR have got involved together to carry on in an humanitarian Project consisting in the delivery of ophthalmologic material to Nouadhibou, the city with more people of Mauritania alter the capital. The entities have taken advantage of the logistic preparation of the delivery to complete it with toys, clothes and material for babies.
The main objective of the Project Nouadhibou Vision is to prevent the blindness with the diagnostic and treatment of pathologies of the region, dealing with those cases of treatable blindness and contributing in the main development of the person.
The professional team of the foundation Alió makes revisions to the main population with special dedication to the child population, and does operations in operating theatres fitted by the expedition in a health local centre, to patients suffering of cataracts as well as cases of problems of vision of urgent resolution.
Beside, the foundation Alió has created a Basic unit of ophthalmology attended by local personal which allow detecting the pathologies who will be treated in each new expedition and who Works together with the professionals of VISSUM Corporación Oftalmologica.
Precisely the delivery includes computer material necessary for the development of telemedicine
One of the priority of the project is to recuperate and ameliorate the vision of hundred of children who suffer conditions of vision easy to be treated o for those the simple wear of glasses is required. For that, hundreds pair of glasses coming from all over Spain have been recycled. The delivery also includes operating material for surgery treatments who will be delivered to the local medical team.
Humanitarian Transport
The selfless collaboration of Boluda is part of its solidaritarian initiative Humanitarian Transport, thanks to which the company offers to the associations and the ONG the free transport of humanitarian help by sea to make reality its projects of cooperation in the developpement of the Third World, promoting by this way the contribution in the growth of the african countries.
The foundation Jorge Alió has been in charge of recollecting all the material needed for the hospital of the the city of Nouadibou in Mauritania in order to have more means and to be able to offer more solutions to the children with ophthalmologic problems
On its side The Foundation Seur who accumulates years of experience and knowledge in solidaritarian logistic of the childhood, will coordinate the transport and the storage of the merchandise.
Boluda Corporation Marítima will let in this way the space and the containers necessary to transport the merchandise that will have a weight of nearly 3000 kilos.