The association of spanish shipowners has renew its government agency in the electoral General Assembly
Adolfo Utor become the new chairman of the association and Gonzalo Alvargonzález will be in the vice president.
Vicente Boluda, president of Boluda Corporación Marítima, has been elected president of the commission of regular lines of charge of Anave, the association of spanish ship-owners, that has celebrated today its electoral general assembly.
Boluda leave then the presidency of special traffics he has till now, place that will occupy Juan Riva. The rest of commission of traffics of the association have also renewed its presidents. From today, Andrés Luna will be the new president of the commission of Tankers, Antonio Grávalos will be president of the commission of regular lines of passengers and Jose Antonio Baura will preside the commission of Tramp Vessels of dry charge.
During the assembly have also been elected the new government agency for the period 2009-2011. Adolfo Utor become the new president of the association, in substitution of Juan Riva, who couldn’t take part of the reelection because he had exhausted the maximum statuary mandate. Riva has assumed the charge of elected president of the European Association of Ship-owners (ECSA), one of the business organizations more important in the maritime world that group the associations of ship-owners of the states of UE and Norway. In his side. Gonzalo Alvargonzalez will be the vice president of Anave for the next three years.