The exposition took place in the Maison de la Culture Douta Seck of Dakar from May 11th to June 10th.

Boluda Lines, the shipping division of Boluda Corporación Marítima, has returned to Valencia the sculptures that were transferred to Dakar (Senegal) the past month of April, after being exposed in Maison de la Culture Douta Seck of Dakar from May 11th to June 10th , inside the artistic programming of the Biennale of l’ art africain contemporain. 

Boluda Corporacion Marítima, inside its program “Humanitarian Transport”, collaborates with NGO’s and multicultural companies, offering free transportation in its ships of humanitarian aid material as well as of the benefits of art diffusion, culture and sports.

The sculptures exposed in Dakar correspond to the artist Isabel Muñoz, Natividad Navalón, Mar Solis and the group of architects headed by Ana Lozano, who had set as an objective the diffusion of art in the african continent, sensitizing and intensifying supportive defense for women rights.


Female Creativity