The answer of the tug industry in front of the new challenges in the environmental policy in the European commission, politic of ports and ways to be implemented in front of the climate changing in the industry of the port tug.
Charo Coll, board of Boluda Towage and Salvage, division of tug port and ocean going of Boluda Corporación Marítima, took part in the annual meeting of the European Tugowners Association (ETA), celebrated the 13th, 14th y 15th of june in Turku, Finland.
In this meeting, that gets together the most important European representatives of tugs ship-owners, it has been considerate inside the Executive committee from which Mrs. Coll is part, the actions taken by the tug port to act in respect to the environment, it has been revised the politic to employ and the means applied in the area in front of the climatic change.
The association “European Tugowners Association“ groups 82 companies within these can be found the main ship-owners and has as main objective to unite and promote the interests of the ship-owners and operators of tugs who give services in all European ports.
The association acts also as link between all its members and the several association of the maritime industry as European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO), International Salvage Union (ISU), European Community Ship-owners Associations (ECSA) o European Maritime Pilots’ Association (EMPA), between others.